Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Seunghwan paparazzied some people on the spot he was standing. He succeeded in taking pictures of Izabela, Marisa and a tall middle school boy, but he couldn't photograph Bridget. I guess he was all of a dither when he saw Bridget; well, I think this suggests something.

After all, Marisa got mad at Seunghwan for photographing her, so Seunghwan, in a slightly servile tone, said, "I am so sorry." and asked "Are you mad at me?"

*I don't like when someone asks me if I am mad when I am really mad. I can never say I am mad, for I hate to admit that I am mad, but at the same time, I can't say that I am not mad, for the person will go on making me mad. I will ask Nora what the wisest response would be.

By the time Marisa was sort of yelling at him, I was feeling uneasy, for I thought Marisa would confiscate Mario. And I was so ready to blame Seunghwan if Marisa really took the camera. Fortunately, Marisa walked away very silently. Her silence revealed her upset feeling.

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