Friday, May 22, 2009

"That's interesting. I haven't seen Ari and Lindsey holding hands. Little uncouth" I thought.

After photographing them interestingly holding each other's hands, I showed the picture to them. Lindsey said "Oh, I like it blog it."

"No nono, blog the picture of me eating the animal cracker thing", Ari desperately shouted. "Why? What do you mean?" Lindsey asked Ari or me.

"Well, he took a picture of me earlier and I like that better. He doesn't blog the same person more than one time a day", Ari reasoned.

"So you like animal crackers more than you like Lindesy, don't you?" I asked Ari.
"Of course!", Ariana said without a tiny bit of hesitation.
"What?", Lindsey almost yelled, shocked.
"You are not edible!", Ariana logically defended her statement.

"That actually makes sense but Lindsey is technically edible", I told Ari the truth.

Chad stole a curious look at us as he passed by. I think "Lindsey is technically edible" was what caught his attention.

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