Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Why did you come here?" I asked him as nicely and friendly as I could for I knew the context of the question may sound really indifferent and almost hostile.

"To see Federbush (I probably misspelt it)", he said.
"(wow, that's strange) But he's not even here", I said, little ridiculed.
"He's coming from Connecticut. He should be here soon", he said.

"Why is he coming here?", I asked him; I didn't really try to be hospitable this time.
"Oh, since he was gonna come for the play but then he got sick so he's coming today", he said.

Well, that barely answered my question, but I didn't ask any more questions, for he could get offended. "Hm, that's good", I said. It was quite awkward.

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