Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ari was working on her Qukerism project with her group outside the class room so I went to disturb her, only because I was suffering from boredom. "what are you working on?" I asked Ari. "We are making a better version of Oakwood", Ariana said. "Oh, I've done this project too. I designed a Quaker School in North Korea", I told her as if to show off.

All of a sudden, Ruben broke his silence, "o~h, I liked yours. It was good". I got confused for a moment and asked myself "What is he talking about?" but soon I could recollect that Ruben was actually there when I gave a presentation about North Korean Quaker School few months ago in Stephen's Quakerism class. All I could say was "Thank you".

Then, Stephen showed up, asking me if I was disrupting his class with his fake scary eyes. I said "I wasn't disrupting anyone. Ari was acutally disturbing me". I apparently lied and he knew that I was lying but it was partly true, for it was Ariana herself, who almost transcendentally made me talk to her with her interestingness. In other words, I may not have disturbed Ariana if Ari was devoid of her coolness. Basically, it was her fault being cool enough to make me talk to her and it was my fault not being able to resist her coolness. What a lame justification.

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